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Social Media is a big help in our Society
Social Media
Social media is so very helpful to us today, social media is a part of our life in this generation. We always use the social media in transportation, office and most of all the communication. It is so very helpful in different ways like communication, if theres a calamity happening in a certain place we use social media to inform them that theres a calamity that will occuring in there place. Through social media we can create businesses and different platform that we like to do.
Theres a different app or site that we can post businesses like facebook, we can create page to introduce your business and sell your product using the social media apps or sites that trusted. The social media is have a big impact in our society and the whole world are using this to contain different information. Social media is less hassle beacause all we need to do is just type and click and BOOM! you can see different information.
In the past we only use the telivision, newspaper, radio and different stuff. We use this thing to inform and communicate to each other. Trough the books we can get a reliable information or source. The communication is so hassle in the past because they use the telegram or mail and it take so long to recieve you need to wait more that 2-3 months, not like today the communication is so easy and not hassle you just need to open your messenger to messsage or call the person you want.
Im so glad that im living in a modern generation today and we all know that the inovation wont stop and it will always improve. All of us are a curious person and we have a lot of question and theres no answer so we always make something to discover each answer in our questions.
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